I have found my cure. Lately, once I feel sad and fed-up with my real life, I'll think of the things that would make me happy. Think of the happy thoughts. I'll absorb myself into my own fantasy world that I've created by my limited imagination (so basically my mind will be wandering around that boundary, neither that far, nor that wild anyway) as for example; will be indulging myself with the fairy-tales-life of going out with the man of my fantasy (already have a list of his characteristics but always meet a failure when it comes to describing how he looks like in detail. I fancy _______ people anyway. Is it wrong to have a fantasy? But girls can always dream as all said. A thing to ponder, hmm.) ; of the nicest treatment that I should be getting; of being rained by gifts that I like by winning a competition or so; of anything that I simply know (but hard to admit) that I am not be getting in the real life of mine. So, that's the cure, basically. By that mean, I can leave all the shit(s) for a moment or two. And throw myself into a favored situation or turn myself into a person (or whatever I like) with important roles to handle. Bukan watak pipih la kiranya, hanya watak utama sahaja. I don't know if it's normal or not and I don't give it a damn. (tapi sebenarnya tiba-tiba rasa macam diri sendiri ada split personality. aiyaiyai.) Like as for now, I am imagining yet assuming myself as a successful writer cum editor (like lalola. pengaruh tv kuat sangat ni.) then change into a billionaire (like Donald Trumph that not only I could buy myself a Mercedes; I could buy the whole world indeed, hutang PTPTN tu apalah sangat kan.) or a princess (in the white gown and the glass shoes)? In my dreams. And dream on. I know. I know. Saja mengada. Oh come on people, just give me a break, will you?
[psstt psstt. sekali ada orang tu baca. eh orang-orang. pastu kena sound seketul pulak. tak,,beberapa ketul sebenarnya. dah gabung semua jadilah cemni. "cubalah mengaji ke,,berzikir ke,,semayang sunat ke." errr *buat tangan macam nasyid sekarang* InsyaAllah,,akan cuba diusahakan : terima kasih ye kamu-kamu.]